View of about half the garden. May 2022

The first year was a lot of work just to create a viable space we could access, let alone grow what we wanted in it. Some of the jungle of plants that were growing here we identified as edible; so we spent time carefully sorting through what plants we wanted to keep. Over the winter Dave spent time building soil, because without a vibrant healthy soil to grow in, a lot of the plants we want to grow wont thrive. We have been experimenting with what kinds of plants do well in the red silt ground here, and which plants need a nutrient rich dark soil.

Since we have such a steep hillside to grow on there is a constant battle with erosion; one of the ways we combat the sliding hillside is by wall building. Dave built a couple new retaining wall beds this year. We are currently growing mostly annual vegetables in them.

The first year Dave created 3 Tracks and 3 Slopes with the excavator. This spring he used it again to widen and flatten those areas; he also made a fourth track that leads to a walkway; he is excited to continue expanding down the hillside. Now we have a contiguous fourth slope on which to grow more trees and shrubs.

The pictures below are all Slope 2. It is the slightest slope. One of our goals this year is to do more succession planting with annual veggies and this slope is the place we are experimenting with this. This year Slope Two has produced so far: Mustard Greens, Turnips, Broccoli, Beets, Spinach, & Arugula.

Pollinating animals travel from plant to plant carrying pollen on their bodies in a vital interaction that allows the transfer of genetic material critical to the reproductive system of most flowering plants – the very plants that

  • bring us countless fruits, vegetables, and nuts,
  • ½ of the world’s oils, fibers and raw materials;
  • prevent soil erosion,
  • and increase carbon sequestration

First step was to pound in the T posts and then attach a panel piece lengthwise (16 ft long x 4ft tall) to the T posts. Then we put in T post across on the slope side and brought a panel to place long ways starting at the base of first two T posts on the slope side and bent and attached it to the lengthwise panel; we did this 4 times, so the arbor ends up being 16 ft long, because each panel is 4 feet wide.

The picture below was taken August 2021 , 4 months after building it. The native grape and the grape cultivar are growing up the left side and butternut squash and watermelon are growing up the right. The huge bushy grass is a lemongrass plant, it has grown super fast!