When you are whole, you are holy, and you’re healed. You also lose your fear of death, because you realize that death is a creative opportunity to reinvent yourself. ”

Deepak Chopra

I practice Reiki and Therapeutic Bodywork to help people release trauma stored in their muscle tissue. Whether the trauma is physical, emotional, or spiritual the modalities I practice can help clients regain mobility and feel better in their body.

In our busy world today it is easy to lose sight of what’s really important. We all have heard the saying “If we don’t have out health, we have nothing.” It’s so true! In today’s fast paced world technology runs us ragged. We eat on the go, multitasking is the norm, and everyone’s on their phones.

Make time to slow down, chew your food consciously, and focus on your breathing.

Sarah Collins, LMBT #17857


1 hr Therapeutic Bodywork session = $80

2 hr Theraputic Bodywork session = $150

1 hr Reiki session = $50

Wellness Consultations are free with your first visit.

Sliding scale pricing is available for those who want regular massage and bodywork.

Call: 828-508-7762 to book